Wednesday 5 May 2010

There is only DO!

Have spent the last few days in Durban with the NAISH Stand Up Paddle guys, promoting the sport, riding waves and meeting new and old friends. Durban is a warm city with many beaches and hundreds of waves.

I have been spending a few hours every day surfing waves that I never thought I could surf. Now why did I think that? What's with that... 'I never thought I could...' There is no thinking, right, there is only do, or not do, right? And up until the last few days, I have not surfed these kind of waves and now I have, and I hope I will keep doing things 'I never thought I could', and you know what, even better- I will stop thinking them silly 'never could' thoughts.
I am so excited. So in love with the blue water, clear below, waves above, whatever she gives me, I am grateful for. Loving the ocean and thinking less...

1 comment:

  1. i love this pic my friend - it captures such an awesome morning together in a sea full of love
